Valentine’s Day is routinely observed by presenting romantic partners with confectionery, Valentines Day flowers, cards and dinners out on the town. Society has been celebrating February 14 since Roman days. The tradition of giving Valentine’s Day flowers to a loved one may have its roots in the flower crowned skull that’s all that’s left of St. Valentine and is on display in Rome. Nothing much is known of St. Valentine himself because he lived so long ago, but legends suggest that he was instrumental in protecting many people from religious persecution.
Although it’s common to send a bouquet of classic red roses for Valentine’s Day, other floral options are easily available besides hothouse roses. In fact, some women may appreciate other kinds of flowers because red roses may be not be seen as individual enough. Because of advances in greenhouse technology, virtually any kind of flower is available as long as it is commercially grown.
Commercial greenhouses that operate on a year-round basis provide most of the flowers that are given on Valentine’s Day. Having flowers sent to someone’s home or office is fairly easy in these modern times and can usually be accomplished by spending a few quick minutes online arranging for delivery. Valentine’s Day flowers range from large, ornate floral creations brimming with several different types of flowers and containing non-floral items such as cookies and candy on stems to single floral displays tied with a ribbon and placed in a simple vase. A growing trend in Valentine’s Day flowers is to present the recipient with live plants that can either be planted outdoors or placed in a sunny windowsill for years of enjoyment.
The best floral gifts reflect the personality of the recipient. If a woman has a free, fun spirit, traditional red roses may not suit her as much as a colourful bouquet of freshly picked wild-flowers Other women may prefer lilies, peonies, tulips, orchids or violets. However, red roses are frequently appreciated by women all over the world because there are few things quite as lovely as a group of perfect long stemmed red roses. The velvety texture of the petals and evocative aroma of red roses can’t be equalled by any other flower. Some red roses are so richly coloured that the edges of their petals actually appear to be almost black. Red roses are also among the most long-lasted flowers when cut and placed in a vase.