We all have been taught not to let things get into us – never let negativity consume our being. But, we are all gullible with sorrow. That is fine. What is not fair to us is to let it become all that we are.

Mourn. Cry. But never forget to also live and learn to let go.

Both melancholic and cheerful, be inspired by these poems to live a life full of happiness and less regret.


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“Life is too short to be nothing but happy.” We’ve gotten tired of this cliche that people keep telling us when all we want is just to let us be with our sadness and regret. But his phrase bears some truth into it. We only get one shot in this life, so why do you spend it in a life full of sorrow and disappointment?

Start choosing happiness now. Begin by surrounding yourself with beautiful and positive things. Grab yourself some bliss with beautiful flowers online from Brisbane