If the feng shui is wrong, bad energy can have an adverse effect on relationships.
Feng shui is an ancient art and science developed over 3,000 years ago in China, basically a philosophical system of harmonising everyone with the surrounding environment. Feng means ‘wind’ and shui is ‘water’, both are associated with good health and good fortune in Chinese culture. The practice of feng shui is based on a complex system of laws considered to govern spatial arrangement and orientation in relation to the flow of energy (chi). This informs how to best balance the good and bad energies of any given space to ensure the energy is right for good health and good fortune for those who live there. For those who follow the philosophy, the effect of feng shui are taken into account when siting and designing buildings.
What does this have to do with romance? Plenty, because if the feng shui is wrong, bad energy can have an adverse effect on relationships. To help you invite love into your life or rev up the passion in with your existing partner, following are 27 tips on how to create good romance feng shui.
1. Place objects in pairs in your bedroom (two candles, two hearts, a vase with two equal size flowers) to enhance your romance or marriage.
2. A bedroom should be for rest and romance only, so remove things that keep you from focusing on love – especially clutter, dirty clothes, and the cat’s litter box.
3. Replace any furniture that is broken, stained, torn, or that has any unpleasant associations with past relationships.
4. If you are single, clear some room in your closet and hang several empty hangers to demonstrate you are ready to share your space with someone special.
5. Hang artwork in your bedroom that has romantic or paired themes, like two flowers, two chairs facing the sunset, or even a graphic of two giraffes with their necks intertwined.
6. Get rid of the bed and mattress from a previous relationship because when you sleep on them you sleep with the negative energy from your former lover.
7. Remove photos of your children, parents, and pets from your bedroom so they won’t be “watching” you in bed.
8. Display a current photo of you and your spouse or partner doing something fun together; if you aren’t in a relationship right now, display a romantic image.
9. Place a pair of night tables in your bedroom; for singles the second table invites a partner into your bedroom, for couples it encourages equality in your relationship.
10. Clear out part of your medicine cabinet or a shelf in your bathroom so a lover has room to fill in the empty space with his or her toiletries.
11. Remove artwork from your bedroom if it shows a solitary or lonely scene; replace it with images of happy couples to make you more receptive to a relationship.
12. Display a bowl of candy kisses in the Love/Marriage area of your bedroom to sweeten your relationship.
13. Paint your walls a “skin-tone” color like ivory, beige, rose, brown, or chocolate; avoid painting your bedroom lavender unless you never want to have sex again because this is the color of chastity, great for your teenager’s room, but not for yours.
14. If your love life has gone stale, treat yourself to new, luxurious bedding to freshen your relationship and encourage your spouse or partner to linger in bed with you.
15. Make sure you have the right size bed for your relationship; if the bed is too big, partners can drift apart; if it is too small, they can feel limited in the relationship.
16. Add seating for two in your bedroom, and be sure to occasionally sit in the chairs and talk together or read instead of watching TV before going to sleep.
17. Remove items from your bedroom that remind you of a past lover, including your ex’s photo, old sweater, or gifts that could remind you of love that went bad.
18. If you want to attract a romantic partner into your home, make room in the pantry and refrigerator for his or her favorite foods.
19. Add red accessories to your bedroom in shades of scarlet, crimson, and burgundy to activate the Fire Element and ignite your love life.
20. Remove any work-related items from your bedroom, especially your computer and desk, so you can focus on romance instead of your career.
21. If you have a ceiling fan directly above your bed it could be “cooling down” your relationship; if you can’t relocate the bed, hang a crystal from the fan or pull chain.
22. Open the door to love by ensuring that your bedroom door opens easily and completely; fix a loose doorknob or you will have a hard time “getting a handle” on romance.
23. Keep the area under your bed clear so the chi can flow around you and your lover in bed; if you must store objects under your bed avoid metal objects and keep only soft items.
24. Avoid placing your bed against two walls where one partner is trapped in the corner, and symbolically trapped in the relationship; instead, locate your bed so there is equal space on either side, and equal room to enjoy the relationship.
25. Remove the extra pillows and stuffed animals from your bed because they send the message that you have no room for anyone else to join you.
26. Think pink if you want to add passion to your love life: sleep on pink sheets to increase the hot, yang energy and enhance feelings of love and romance.
27. If you must have a TV in your bedroom, choose the smallest one you can live with and avoid locating it where it dominates your room – and your love life.
…via 27 Feng Shui Tips to Rev Up Your Romance | Feng Shui for Real Life
We hope these tips help you, whether you and your partner what to spice things up, or you are look for a new romance. Additionally, enjoy this video which gives feng shui guidelines for flowers in your home.