The simplest things are often the grandest, and giving flowers is an epitome of this. It is simple, but timeless. So, we often show our care and affection by spoiling the ones we love with lovely blooms.

This simple act of giving flowers has been made even simpler with the advent of the internet. What used to be an overwhelming duty of finding stores and choosing flowers and designs became so much easier when flower shops moved their businesses online.

But wait. Before you hit up the online store and click the ‘Order Now’ button, make sure you are not making the following mistakes:


Buying at the last minute

Panic does not get you anywhere. This is also very true with shopping for blooms online. You can end up spending too much on bouquets that you don’t like when you buy at the last minute. This is because you are likely to choose whatever that has caught your attention without properly checking it and its price. So, there goes the next week’s budget.


All you have in mind are roses

You can never go wrong with roses, whatnot of their timeless elegance and beauty. But, think outside of the rose-box. Your online florist has an array of other exquisite blooms that are worth your money.


Choosing the wrong design

Choosing the wrong design

Wrong design + wrong occasion = disaster

The worse that could happen is to give sympathy arrangement for a friend celebrating their birthday. A definite cringe-worthy picture.

To avoid this, all you have to do is to find flower categories in the flower shop’s website. Online florists group their designs based on different occasions. Just click that ‘birthdays’ button and you’ll be fine.   


Paper bouquets everywhere

You know that you can choose to have vases for your flower arrangements, right? Well, if you don’t, you can ask your florist to have them delivered in a vase of your choice. This will step-up your flower-giving game.


Skipping the card part

This is where it gets personal and maybe cheesy. But, attaching a heartfelt message on your floral gift will make it more special. Your online florist will walk you through it.

Ah. The smiles and happiness you bring are worth all the effort.


Going cheap

Giving away crappy bouquet is a no-no. It is a sure way of ruining one’s day. Don’t choose arrangements and gifts that are way too cheap. The joy you bring to the person you are giving the flowers to is priceless. So make the effort to choose the pretty and the best blooms for them.

Save yourself from embarrassment and disappointment. Look for an online florist that will give you exactly what you want with less hassle.