Charlotte McKinney is single and looking for a boyfriend. So here are 10 steps to being funny and this quote by Bernard Sahlins “Actually being funny is mostly telling the truth about things”
“That’s my biggest thing,” Charlotte McKinney* said. “If I don’t laugh at you and you don’t laugh at me, it’s not going to work.”…via Charlotte McKinney Carl’s Jr. Commercial Is Single.
Be funny. Have a sense of humour. That is apparently what it takes to get land one of today’s hottest model’s, Charlotte McKinney. The extremely well endowed model is apparently single and looking for a boyfriend. So to all the hopeful romeos out there, we have for you 10 steps to being funny:
1. Find Your Comedic Strengths
Humour can’t be learned through a cookie cutter approach. Every person’s comedic style is unique to that person. If your attempts at humour fall flat, it could be that the type of joke you are attempting is not your strong suit. Perhaps you are trying to do impersonations not knowing that you are more talented at word play or telling jokes. When you’re around other people try various types of humour and see what gets the biggest laughs. This will be the best indicator of your comedic strength. Once you’ve figured out your style, you can focus on your strong points and steer clear of comedy that will bomb.
Bonus joke: “How do you catch a unique Roo?”…“Unique up on it!”
2. Get Material
You can’t be funny if you don’t have references and material. Stay up-to-date on pop culture, news and current events. The broader your knowledge, the more clever you can be. Have a collection of jokes to pull from and be sure to keep your material fresh. Your friends won’t find it very amusing to hear the same jokes over and over. Consider buying a joke-of-the-day calendar or asking people you meet if they have any jokes. Not only will this give you more material to work with, but you can also see what other people do to be funny.
Quotes from popular movies and television shows are another great resource. Having the ability to memorise and recite the funniest parts of the most well-known movies is probably the easiest way to get a laugh and to get other people involved in the fun. If you look or sound like the actor from the movie, that’s even better.
Kangaroo Jack: [imitating Dr. Evil] “Come on people, throw me a freaking bone! I have a son! I shall call him… Mini Roo!”
3. Don’t Try So Hard
It’s painfully obvious when someone is trying too hard to be funny because it comes across as either clownish or awkward. Great comedy is like fashion, it only works if it looks effortless. It’s all about attitude and style. Think about the way Melissa McCarthy or Sandra Bullock delivers a joke without making a major production out of it. They can say the most hilarious things in an easy-going conversational tone.
Bonus joke: “What do you get when you cross a giraffe with a kangaroo?”…“Lots of broken legs.”
4. Study Funny People
While you’re watching McCarthy and Bullock, go ahead study other great comedians as well. They don’t have to be famous. If someone in your office or group of friends is hilarious, pay attention to the way they inject humour into various situations. If you’re truly committed, you can even take a class or watch videos on how to do improvisational comedy.
5. Know Your Audience
A joke is only funny if other people understand it and can relate to it. Making a humorous reference to something funny on Twitter won’t have the same impact on your grandmother as it would a group of teenagers. This is where having a broad range of knowledge comes in handy. By knowing something about several subjects, you can be funny in any situation.
6. Timing is Everything
Good comedy has a rhythm. Banter between friends should bounce back and forth like a ball during a tennis match. It doesn’t matter how funny a joke is if the timing is off. Having the ability to think quickly on your feet is important if you want to be funny. Once the window of opportunity for humour has passed, just let it go and wait for the next one to come along. When you do deliver your joke, one-liner or zinger, the speed of deliver must match the humour. For example, if you’re going for a mumble joke, it must be said quickly or it will bomb.
7. Never Underestimate the Power of Potty Humour
It doesn’t matter how old you are fart jokes are always funny! Sorry ladies, jests about panty whispers. Is that where the term “wisecracks” originated?
8. Know How to Tell a Joke
You can memorise a thousand jokes, but if you don’t tell them properly they are all going to bomb. Understanding the Rule of Three will help in this situation. The structure of a joke should be: set up, anticipation and punch line. If your story or joke is lively and upbeat, then tell it with animation and excitement. When you’re using dark or dry humour, deliver it with a more level or monotone voice. If you attempt physical humour or slapstick, fully commit yourself. A half-assed attempt will only be lame.
9. Be the Butt (of the joke)
Don’t be afraid to use self-deprecation. Making fun of yourself is always preferable to making fun of others. It’s also an excellent way to rebound from an awkward or embarrassing situation by having people laugh with you, rather than at you. When someone stumbles or spills something down their pants, it’s funny. People will naturally want to giggle but they don’t want to be rude. If you’re the one stumbling all over the place or have a lap full of water, make a joke about your clumsiness. It will make you feel less embarrassed and keep the people around you from feeling like jerks.
10. Look for Humour in Unlikely Places
There is a funny side to absolutely everything in life. It’s simply up to us to find it. If you look for the brighter or humorous side to things, you can be the person to break the tension or monotony with a well-timed joke. As long as you’re not being insensitive or hurting anyone else, life is full of side-splitting situations.
*If you don’t know who Charlotte McKinney is that is excusable, as she’s currently an ‘it’ girl after a racy ad that ran during the recent Super Bowl. While the Super Bowl usually is not even on the radar of people outside of America, the multi-million dollar ads that air during the game do make the rounds on social media. The ad featuring the model is one that certainly raised the blood pressure of male viewers. In it she walks through a market, ostensibly ‘All Natural’, for Carl’s Jr’s burger of the same name. McKinney went from being a complete unknown via her appearance in Sports Illustrated’s swimsuit edition in 2013.