For 2012, $50 will buy a beautiful Mother’s Day gift. That’s approximately the price of an exquisite bouquet of lavender roses with beautiful green leaves in a clear carved glass vase, or a bouquet of gorgeous roses set off by pink carnations and luxuriant greens in a clear traditional vase. Add a card to express how much a mother’s devotion is appreciated. The bouquet can be upgraded to twice the size too, so send flowers Mother’s Day.

This year’s Mother’s Day gift ideas are as impressive as the energy a mother surrounds her children with. From candles that denote her spiritual symbolism, to chocolates because she wants her children to prosper, to jewelry because she brings out the best in people, they all make magnificent gifts. Give her a personalized gift because she is a particular mother. Send her gifts she would really love, or just send flowers Mother’s Day.

What is gratifying today is that even though these gifts are inexpensive, they are full of inspiration. It is one of those epiphanies about life that can only come from a mother. Here is what the excitement is all about. The biggest thing about Mother’s Day gift ideas is that there are so many of them.

Personalized coffee mugs are a top seller. Even before accessories like snap wallets and tote bags were associated with Tina Fey, they were much in demand. The purse-sized toy is no warmed-over gift, and now Kindle Readers can be added to the list. Gift certificates and books as gifts still look like winners.

An expensive gift like today’s Espresso machine is smaller and snazzier, while day candles are sharp looking and wonderfully scented gifts. The grainy desk organizer is attractive and will help a mother in her busy life.

In the end, where would a Mother’s Day gift be found? The flower shops and the online flower sites are outselling every other gift venue. A woven flower basket full of purple and pink lilies and tied with a scented ribbon is an exquisite gift that many mothers would find irresistible, the perfect Mother’s Day flowers.

Consider giving her an Ikebana style arrangement with magnificent fuchsia blooms in a colorful bonsai planter. If you have $40 to spend, flower shops are eager to sell you some nifty arrangements that include stargazer lilies, blue irises, white daisies and red carnations set in a delightfully painted basket.

As Mother’s Day flowers go, it has awoken more souls to the inspiration of motherhood than any body and bath collection. That is just a small sample of the great gift ideas for Mother’s Day 2012.