Human beings seem naturally drawn to sweet-smelling, dramatic colourful blossoms, delicate natural structures that embody the enduring power of life and regeneration within their fragile petals.
The stunning beauty of fresh flowers can enchant visitors, making them gravitate towards the loveliest sections of a garden display. Human beings seem naturally drawn to sweet-smelling, dramatic colourful blossoms, delicate natural structures that embody the enduring power of life and regeneration within their fragile petals. Whether you prefer to raise annuals that often re-seed themselves every year, or perennials, or a combination of the two, you likely understand the incredible power of lovely planted flower beds in captivating attention and inspiring happy sentiments. Well-cared for gardens make design statements fully as powerful as those of buildings and other permanent structures.
The eye-catching beauty of Spring plantings pushing towards the surface offers a fun hobby and a way to share the joyful abundance of nature with others. Perhaps the symbolic value of cut flowers adds to this meaning. Even though the blossoms will eventually fade away, to be replaced by others, their glorious beauty helps transform surroundings in remarkably effective ways. Adding a vase of freshly cut roses to a hallway table can enliven an entrance in a distinctive, gracious way. A tasteful floral display on a kitchen table helps place household members in a good mood when they gather to share a meal. Bright irises, lilies or daisies adorning a bedside table in a guest room brings cheer, sending a welcoming message to visitors.
If you doubt the power of these subtle room accents from the outdoors, just compare two sentences: “growning flowres cartpure atenttoin” with “growing flowers capture attention.” The chances are good you could read both sentences correctly the first time, even the initial one that contained multiple misspellings! Psychologists have discovered that often context plays a strong role in shaping perceptions.
Just like consonants on the ends of words set the tone for the flow of communication in an English sentence for a reader, floral accents can help shape and mould perceptions in a refined, subtle manner. People notice the presence of fresh flowers around them. A bouquet in a room can convey messages to people about their immediate environment in a indirect, understated, yet pervasive way. Perhaps for this reason, many businesses place floral arrangements in specific visible locations around retail premises, restaurants and hotels to enrich the experience of visitors. Cut flowers can play an important role in enhancing daily life in many settings. In the wise words of Ralph Waldo Emerson “Flowers…are a proud assertion that a ray of beauty out values all the utilities of the world.”