A yellow rose, what a lovely thing a rose is.
As Spring approaches, fresh flowers begin captivating the attention of many people. Long a symbol of beauty and romance, these sirens of the garden allow people to convey a range of deep emotions gracefully. Just noticing a flowerbed in a neighbour’s yard can inspire joy: the beaming brilliant richly textured yellow and orange hues of a Daffodil planting, the delicate white lilies harmonising with the section of the garden wrapped in gentle baby blue Forget-Me-Nots, or the power of deep, red Tulips…all convey strong vibrations. These delicate blossoms reunite people with the majesty of the natural world in an enduring way. Small wonder that cut flowers today remain such a popular gift to share on dates! In addition to hugs, people express their romance through flowers.
In her insightful book Flower Confidential, author Amy Stewart explores the dynamic world of the global cut flower marketplace. She notes that the most popular cut flowers in the United States are: Roses, Carnations, Chrysanthemums, Alstroemerias, Tulips, Gerberas, Lilies,Gladiolas, Irises and Gypsophilas. These attractive plants excite great interest among people because of their enduring ability to brighten daily life. Since many of these flowers will not grow well in certain locales or seasons, we are fortunate that global shipments mean that we can generally enjoy a large variety of flowers all year.
The popularity of blossoms generates a huge interest around the world in giving bouquets as gifts. Employees in offices around the world receive fresh flowers from employers on dedicated special days. Colourful floral presents honour their work effort as secretaries, teachers and nurses, for instance. These tokens of affection convey gratitude much better than words alone.
People during the course of a typical year send flowers to friends simply to cheer them up. They give flower arrangements as symbols of love to romantic partners to express their appreciation, to ailing acquaintances to encourage them to recover good health and vitality again quickly and to family members celebrating happy occasions: wedding anniversaries, birthdays, Mother’s Day, Easter, Father’s Day, graduations or the arrival of a new baby. Flowers, so delicate and simple, speak on these occasions in clear, memorable terms!