Some tips on how to keep the love alive in your marriage.
When you were dating you probably romanced your wife by giving her the typical presents around holidays like Valentine’s Day such as flowers, gifts, roses and more. She likely knew how much you loved her because you gave her hugs on a regular basis and made an extra effort to insert romance into your daily activities. However, now that you are married most likely the gifts have stopped flowing and the only thing you or her want for Father’s Day or Mother’s Day is sleep. However, getting married does not mean that you are off the hook when it comes to love, it just means you might have to try a little harder.
This is due to the fact that now you have a wife and a mother to celebrate or a husband and a father. True, things get more complicated when you have a toddler, busy conflicting schedules, and mornings that look like something out of Cheaper By the Dozen. It’s not as easy to keep romance alive, hugs and fresh flowers might be something of the past, but you should still take a little extra time to bring home flowers on occasion because now your wife probably needs them more than ever.
The trick is to get more inventive when it comes to gifts and displays of love, because outside of major holidays you likely are not going to get out of the house for exclusive couple time. Dating might even be out of the picture for a bit unless you have a reliable babysitter. Most couples find that they need the babysitter during the week and feel guilty on the weekends. Instead of waiting for a date, act now to please your loved one with small things, like doing some of their chores when they are flat out or small, unexpeccted gifts.
When you have a spare minute between the kids or work pick out something special online you know your wife or husband would love. When it comes unexpectedly in the mail you will really make their day. Pick up romantic Roses or cheerful Gerberas when you are at the grocery store for diapers or bread. The addition of fresh flowers in the grocery bags will put a smile on their face. Sure, you may not be able to plan out every detail in advance, but hugs, flowers and thoughtful things you order online are all great ways to still show you care.