Red roses, better than diamonds any day.
Red Rose Day is a holiday to celebrate the lovely flower that is synonymous with romance. It is this Friday, 12 June, and roses are also birthday flower of the month. Roses are ancient symbols of love and beauty. They were used in many early cultures as decorations in wedding ceremonies and wedding attire. Because of this association with weddings, over the years the red rose has become intrinsically linked to endearing love and people still give red roses to symbolise love, whether it is for Valentine’s Day, anniversaries or other romantic occasions. zFlowers.com offers a wide selection of roses to order online for your convenience.
Roses are also loved as decorative plants by gardeners worldwide, whether in gardens where the climate is suitable or where the environment can be adapted, such green houses, conservatories and in homes. Their essence is used in many perfumes and rose water has long been a beauty secret. Some are also used as landscape plants, for hedging and for other utilitarian purposes such as game cover and slope stabilisation.
Roses make up a decent percentage of the growing floraculture business sector, as they are always in demand for the reasons mentioned above. During the pre-Valentine’s Day period sales cut fresh red roses soars in both volume and price. Because of this huge leap in prices on that holiday, zFlowers.com actually recommends that you start your very own romantic tradition with your partner. Eschew the crowds and make your own special holiday tradition.
Below is a video of a lovely red rose blooming. Relax and enjoy it because as Emma Goldman wisely said “I’d rather have a rose on my table than a diamonds on my neck.”