Receiving a bouquet of beautiful flowers is one of life’s great experiences. And giving them can be even more life-affirming than receiving them. Flower delivery has traditionally been done on an extremely local level.

You’d call your local florist, put in your order, and hope for the best. Like most things, this has been changed by technology and globalization, for the better. The advent of ordering fresh flowers online has truly improved the process from beginning to end. Now it’s as easy as going to a website, selecting your favorite flowers, and placing your order. The flowers are then delivered directly to the recipient, making their day.

A lot of people don’t know how to order flowers online. They think it sounds complicated and find themselves daunted by technology. If they took the time to check out many of the online vendors that do flower delivery, they’d discover that they are way off the mark. Ordering fresh flowers online is not only convenient because you don’t have to leave the house, it’s actually a better way than doing it in person, the old way. At a traditional florist, you can only see what they have on display — or maybe you can peruse an old binder they found buried in the back. When you order flowers online, it’s extremely visual, and you can see every combination possible, which really gets your imagination going.

Many people include notes when they send loved ones flowers. When you order over the phone, the person taking dictation of your note is likely to mess up. Everyone has received flowers with an incorrect message. It can be extremely embarrassing. When you enter your order online, that issue disappears. Since you’re entering the text of your note directly, typos and misheard words are no longer a problem. You know the recipient will not only get the bouquet of flowers that you picked specifically for them — you know they’ll get your personal message free of errors, as well.

Now that you know how to order flowers online, you should begin thinking of that special someone you want to show your love and appreciation. Get online and start designing a bouquet of flowers that really speaks to your relationship with them. Come up with a thoughtful, personal note and include it in your delivery. And rest assured that you can do all of these things from the comfort of your own home, on your time. With online flower services, spreading cheer and good will to the ones you love, through flowers, has never been easier.