Rainbow Roses


For the love of flowers and a degree from an Agricultural College,  Peter van de Werken is to thank for discovering rainbow coloured roses. With a unique process, Peter’s “Happy Flowers” use the natural extract of the blossoms to absorb different colours as they grow.

Thank you, science! Fascinating, isn’t it?

You can calm down now. We know that you want to get your hands on these amazing blooms. You are maybe thinking of growing your own, and buy “rainbow rose seeds” on Amazon. But, you need not have a degree in Agricultural Studies to create your rainbow roses.

Here are the fast and easy steps in making your own, *drum roll* rainbow roses!

This is a close recreation of Peter’s roses.


So, what do you need?



  • White cut roses : White roses are easier to dye. Also, make sure that they still have their long stems. You can ask for flower delivery to your home. Nice and easy.
  • Food colouring or dye : Three words. Red. Yellow. Blue. You only need the three primary colors for this craft.
  • Water : Tap water will do for this DIY challenge.
  • Cups : You will only need three cups for each color.
  • Knife : Your mum’s kitchen knife will do. Be sure that you ask permission.


Here’s how to make all these work:


Step 1: Dilute the dye or food coloring into the water inside the cups. Make sure to mix it well to get a well-blended color.


Step 2: Carefully, split or slice the stem of the roses into three parts to correspond for each flower. Make sure your fingers are in one piece after slicing the stems.


Step 3: Dip the sliced stem into the cups of diluted dye. Each sliced stem should be placed in the different cups.


Step 4: Place the dipped roses where there is shade and enough light. But! Don’t expose them to too much sunlight to the petals will not dry out.


Step 5:  Let nature do its magic.

You don’t have to a real scientist to create this wonderful project. All you need in coming up with something beautiful only needs you to make your imagination work. Why don’t you try using other blossoms to see if they have the same results. And don’t hesitate to experiment as long as it does not harm you or the environment.


Do you have any suggestions for the next DIY project? Tell share your comments and suggestions below!

Image Source: How To Make Rainbow Roses