How did your Valentine’s Day go? Was it the way you hoped it would be?
Without a doubt, Valentine’s Day is one of the most celebrated occasions in the history of occasions. There are many ways to celebrate the day of hearts. Some people go out of their way to make the day truly special while some opt to keep things low key and simply order flowers online for loved ones.
While many may try their best to make the special day go smoothly, there are some unfortunate souls who sadly commit mishaps that can make the occasion a disaster of some sort.
With hearts day still fresh in everyone’s minds, let’s have a look at some of the worst (or best?) Valentine’s Day fails which hopefully you didn’t make. You may also want to take note so you don’t make the same mistake next year.
#1. This cake.
Not sure if he’s really in dire need of some warmth or just bragging.

(image from OMG news)
#2. And this cake.
Enjoy what? Take it easy on the abbreviations. Some people might take it the wrong way.

(image from cake wreck)
#3. This conversation heart.
If you have a Grammar Nazi for a boyfriend/girlfriend, you better make sure not to give something like this or your date just might end up as a grammar lecture.

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#4. This overly expressive toilet paper.
While it’s the thought that counts, this might not be the most romantic idea. Surely you can do better.

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#5. This (less than) romantic gift.
Come on, a pre-arranged funeral is not exactly the kind of gift your loved one is dying to receive. (pun not intended)

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#6. This honour of naming one of the most feared creatures on the planet.
In case you missed it, the Bronx Zoo offered couples the opportunity to name a roach on Valentine’s Day, complete with a printed certificate.

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#7. This pun-y way of giving your sweetheart new pets.
Isn’t this just the sweetest thing?

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#8. This unique way of giving flowers.
Giving your significant other Valentine’s Day flowers? YES. Giving them flowers displayed in your crotch? NO. Just no.

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#9. This ballsy window ad.
Pun or no pun intended, this window ad is certainly cringe-worthy.

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#10. This couple sweet-shirt.
The perfect item of clothing for the overly attached couple.

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There are many mistakes you could make on Valentine’s Day. But the worst that you could probably do is to forget. So mark your calendar, set an alarm or stick a post-it. Don’t forget to call for fresh flower delivery in Australia. If you’ve had your own fails this year, you can always make up for it next year.
Know of any Valentine’s Day fails? Share them here.