It’s that time again – someone is having a birthday and you’re left without a clue what to buy. How can you find the perfect gift?

An increasingly popular option is simply to go with one of the classics. Instead of investing time and energy into something grand – something they may not even like – you can go with a tried-and-true option that’s guaranteed to bring a smile. Gift cards? Birthday flowers? They’re popular for a reason.

Here are ten more options for the perfect birthday gift. Happy hunting!

10: Balloons. They’re a simple yet thoughtful gesture that show you haven’t forgotten the occasion. For bonus points, send flowers online birthday and make your arrangement something really special.

9: Chocolate. It’s hard to go wrong with everyone’s favorite treat, especially if you jazz it up with a nice container or fancy birthday gift delivery.

8: Toys. It may seem childish, but board games will be pulled out at parties and plastic toys will be used around the office to great effect. Everyone has an inner child, it’s just that many aren’t given the chance to play!

7: Personalized gifts. Take something they want or use – such as a mug, a teddy bear, etc – and have it personalized with their name or something else significant to them. Not only will you win points for your thoughtfulness, but they’ll get a lasting token of your friendship and a one-of-a-kind gift.

6: A holiday. If you really want to shock and delight, treat them to a fun weekend or somewhere nice away from it all. Who doesn’t want a break from the grind of regular life?

5: Birthday flowers. Easily purchased online, you can send flowers online birthday and customize them for any occasion – they’re appropriate for a lover AND a boss.

4: Bath sets. For women, lotions and bath salts and loofas; for men, you can’t go wrong with aftershave and other body effects.

3: A random bag of treats. Pack something with candy and trinkets and you’re guaranteed they’ll like at least one thing in there. If you aren’t sure what to get, give up and give it all.

2: Gift cards. A true classic, gift cards put the power back in the recipient’s hands, letting them choose whatever they want with no room for error or mistaken taste. No worry about grandma sweaters here!

1: Singing telegram. The best kind of present will be remembered for eternity, passed along from generation to generation with the tagline, “Can you believe they did that?” Singing telegrams are the perfect way to make a splash – and they’re fun to order, too. Who knew the birthday gift delivery could be as fun as the actual present?